
The first weaving I remember doing was making a “sit-upon” at a Brownie Scout meeting. It was a square woven mat about the size of a chair seat and was to be used for sitting on the ground. It may have been made from folded strips of oilcloth, though I am not sure of the material – that was a long time ago! The next thing I wove was a basket, made at a 4-H club meeting. It was my first basket, but definitely not my last!

ten reed baskets

New England Tote basket round reed basket twill storage basketkentucky egg basketcuttin' corners basket

Here’s a wall “pocket” basket based on an antler which is drilled to accept the ribs of the basket. It was a gift to my Dad, who was the hunter.

antler basket

An apple wood and bark basket, and a tall bark basket.
The wet inner bark has a consistency and color similar to leather.

bark baskets

Grapevine and Virginia Creeper from my yard made a great rustic basket.

VA creeper and grapevine bdetail VA creeper and grap

Ash Baskets made in class “From Tree to Basket”
given by Linda Hartman. Rims and handles are
hand made. Note handle end on cheese basket.

ash cheese basketash basket rnd ash basket

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